Perigon GmbH
Kreuzauer Straße 33
52355 Dueren
Telephone: +49 2421 597 500
E-Mail: info@perigon3d.com
Web: http://www.perigon3d.com
VAT No.: DE 344271096
Managing Director: Stephan Schmitz
Commercial register: Amtsgericht Dueren HRB 8794
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The complete or partial reproduction, distribution or communication of any information provided on these websites, requires prior written consent of the author. For direct or indirect references to external Internet pages (“links”), which lie outside the responsibility of the author, liability would only come into effect should the author be aware and it is technically possible, to prevent the use of illegal content. No guarantee be can given for the security of transmission and protection against unauthorized access of data sent by email.
The images used on this website are either the creation and property of Perigon, are not subject to any copyright restrictions or Perigon has been explicitly authorized to use them.
Digital strategy and realisation:
dotfly GmbH . Lindenstraße 20 . 50674 Köln
Digitalagentur dotfly